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What wakes me up in the morning?

The obvious answer: an alarm clock. But why do I choose to not hit "Snooze" and fall back asleep? I see each day as a unique opportunity to learn. You never know what each day holds, who you'll meet, what you'll discover. I am, and will always be, a student, and each day presents a new learning opportunity.

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Why Computer Science?

I have always liked puzzles. As a kid, I enjoyed solving, 100, 200, even 1000 piece puzzles with my dad, mom, and brother. I liked how the pieces fit together, each piece having an impact on the final picture. Get one piece wrong and the entire final picture is incorrect.

Computer Science is very similar. Each small variable, method, class, or object plays a role in the end functionality of the program. When I code, I think of how each aspect of the program serves a purpose in terms of getting the anticipated end result. My brain simply works like that, connecting every small detail to the big picture. And, just like that, a young kid who loved doing puzzles became a computer scientist.

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Why Finance?

I remember as a child sitting in the backseat of the car and listening to the radio. Every now and then, my parents would turn on the news and I would hear some reporter blabber about the "Dow", or the "S&P", and sometimes the "NASDAQ".

Later, in high school, we did a stock market simulation. This kindled my interest in the markets, and I started paying more attention to the financial news. By college, I knew that finance was something that I wanted to pursue. The idea of monitoring markets and valuing companies was very interesting to me and was something I wanted to continue to learn in college. Now, I am a sector head in the prestigious Blue Hen Investment Club and manage my own portfolio on the side. Talk about a bullish trend.

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Many people have great ideas. However, why is it so often that those ideas get lost due to fear of starting a business or the lack of knowledge on how to start one? It may take an engineer to make the product, but it takes a businessman/woman to sell it.

I realized this and thought "what's stopping me from taking on both fields?" Nothing. I have a passion for both, and pursuing both has allowed me to see the many connections between the seemingly different fields. Hopefully, somewhere down the road, I can use my computer science knowledge to create a product and my finance knowledge to give it to the world.

"Fear is just an opportunity in a costume."

Whether we're talking about applying for a new job or moving to a different home, fear can cloud someone's thoughts. What I have found personally beneficial is to look past the fear because underneath the "costume", you might find a new opportunity for growth and learning.

A little more about me: